


Località: Via Re d'Italia s.n.c. - Cercemaggiore CB


Church of St. Mary of the Cross

The oldest phase of the Church of St. Mary of the Cross dates back to Norman times: it was in fact built together with the castle around the 11th century. The present building is the result of many transformations over the centuries, especially following the earthquakes of 1456, 1688 and 1805.

The interior, with a single nave and a wide and bright transept, è rich in works of art. In the chapel of the’Addolorata there’s the precious 16th-century carved and gilded wooden altar, on the cross vault are 16th-century frescoes with the’Eternal Father in the center and four prophets on the four sails.
Among the paintings on canvas, dated between the 16th and 18th centuries, are three attributed to Benedetto Brunetti of Oratino. The 18th-century organ è signed by Neapolitans Mauro Gallo and Giovanni Rossi.

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