


Località: Monte Saraceno - Cercemaggiore - Campobasso

Samnite fortification

Fortificazione sannitica

On the summit of Monte Saraceno (m 1089 a.s.l.) and on the high slopes to the southwest are the remains of a Samnite fortification of which if you see sections of the walls and the bases of the five gates. Built around the 4th century B.C., when the wars that pitted the Samnites against the Romans were looming, it remained in use until the 1st century B.C., by which time their use had become unnecessary: with the wars over, Italy pacified, and the Samnites having become allies of the Romans, the population no longer needed a safe space in which to take refuge with their herds in times of danger. The space within the fortified enclosure è was crossed by a very ancient road route, which came from the Cortile-Matese sheep-track and led to the Pescasseroli-Candela sheep-track. At the two points where that road entered and exited the fortification, there are the remains of the two monumental gates that were equipped with towers. 

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