The Via degli Asini in Brisighella is a unique elevated street characterized by typical arched windows of different widths that allow natural light to enter. This peculiar street is considered an architectural treasure unparalleled in the world.
Dating presumably from the 14th century, the Via degli Asini was originally designed as a defensive bulwark to protect the village. Initially, it was an uncovered road used as a patrol walkway and a communication route. Later, as it lost its defensive function, it was covered and integrated into the surrounding buildings.
This is where its name comes from: in the past, the neighborhood was inhabited by the birocciai, who were in charge of transporting chalk from the quarries above the village using donkeys. The stables were located in front of the arches of the street, while the dwellings stood on the upper floors. The transport wagons, called “birocce,” were housed inside chalk-carved chambers located in the square below.