


Località: La Grotta della Beaume - Oulx - Torino

Oulx-Auberge Xerotermica Oasis

The Oulx-Auberge Xerotermica Oasis are part the characteristics fractions of Signols and Savoulx, but the presence of the human being is constant from the paths that lead to the houses of Les Auberges, exploitation of minerals as the slot of the plaster, the military road that connects the fortification of the Pramand at Jafferau. The Monte Seguret, background, appears as a cliff slope from pink shading for the presence of dolomite. The calcareous substratum, joined to the erosion of water, have formed a unique landscape, composed of natural caves, deep gorges, caves visible from a distance and known as the “Saracens” or that of “Beaume”, today a destination for pilgrims.

The top of the Pramand is instead a dark spot, date from the intense green of the Woods Mountain Pine and mugo pine, inframezzata from white of the calcareous rocks. At European level, this site is protected status for four priority habitats: the mountain pine woods, the screes xerofili calcareous, the woods of pine and the dry grasslands to Bromus erectus. At lower altitudes, with southern exposure, there are the pine forests in developed around the terraces, a time till today pastures with shrubs. Despite the presence of numerous rii, flora is that typically steppica with rare species to Italy such as Salvia aethiopis Androsace and maxima. The meadows and pastures around the houses of Les Auberges are characterized by the flowering of numerous orchids and by the presence of rare butterflies as Anthocharis euphenoides, or protected at Community level: Parnassius apollo, Maculinea Arion, Euplagia quadripunctaria. Among the insects, lives here a particular beetle, Poecilus kughelanni, unique presence declared throughout Italy. The pastures are exposed to the sun are searched by wild ungulates, deer and chamois, especially in the winter period, thus also their natural predator, Wolf, attended this site.

At avifaunistico are over 20 the nesting species, of which many passerines, but the sky above Pramand is known for the birds of prey: if in the spring are the characteristic flights to the festoon of the Eagles to attract attention, in the summer you can attend the fluttering of the Bearded Vulture or to speeding of the peregrine falcon.

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