The main church of the village of Masullas, in Sardinia, is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin of the Graces, famous for its high bell tower was built in the XVI century, but was later subjected in the Baroque period, the rebuilding of the Façade, rebuilt entirely in stone. Inside the parish church, you can admire interesting decorative gothic-Spaniards in addition that the Retablo of the Glorious, the work of the painter Mattia Canopia, a framework of John the Baptist by Sitzia said “Marracciu”.
The bell tower of the church the Beata Vergine delle Grazie is characterized by the presence of two small openings positioned in axis with the access door to the tower: one located lower down is in the shape of a cross, the upper one has instead form Stellata.
Recently, during the restoration work and accommodation of the churchyard of the church came to light two important discoveries: the first consists of a chamber tomb, inside which have been uncovered the bones of an individual males aged between 30 and 40 years, placed above a bench lytic and accompanied by a cross anchored in iron. The second exceptional discovery is instead constituted by a tank a cruciform plan. The shape and the constructive characteristics would appear to suggest a possible baptismal font, interpretation which, if confirmed, would open up new and previously unpublished scenarios relating to the possible presence of a place of worship previous and much more ancient than the current parish church.