Masullas is inside the Mount Arci Natural Park and at the same time falls within the area 1 (Mount Arci) of Sardinia’s Geo mineral, historic and enviromental Park, recognized by Unesco as a World Heritage Site.
In the area of Motnt Arci covers an area of about 270 sq km, an area of great naturalistic interest, landscape and anthropic, rich in fauna and local flora. A complex ecosystem that collects a large part of the ancient history of the territory, still preserving the signs of the different geological eras. It is an ideal place for excursions and itineraries in nature, offering scenarios extremely suggestive and possibility to visit archaeological sites and natural monuments.
In the locality of Conca Cannas is located the largest obsidian deposit of all the Mediterranean. Obsidian is a volcanic glass, defined the black gold of antiquity for the importance it had for man, for the production of objects and weapons from the late Neolithic (6000 a.C.).