


Località: Via Cavour, 37 - Bardonecchia - Torino
Phone number: 0122 622640

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Tur of Amun

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Tur of Amun

The Tur of Amun of Bardonecchia was probably born from the second half of the XII century with military functions, to then become the residence of the lords of the place, first the De Bardonnèche, then i de Jouffrey, they succeeded in the seventeenth century. Thanks to its location, the castle controlled the outlets of the two valleys of Frejus and Rho and visually was in communication with the Castle of Bramafam. Purchased by the Community of Bardonecchia in 1670, the complex fell into decay in the course of the eighteenth century, so much so that in 1866 it remained only the central tower. The latter was originally 21 meters high, was kept up to the height of the battlements still in the 1920s, when a series of collapses of progressive brought it to become a ruin.

The whole area was purchased in 1998 by the Municipality of Bardonecchia, which has promoted a series of archaeological surveys thanks to which it was possible to bring to light the good part of the structures. In particular, are currently visitable the Torrione, which were recovered the first two floors above the ground, parts of the small eastern tower, sections of the wall which delimited the complex downstream, the circular towers of the southern side and some service compartments. Today at the Tur of Amun is set up an archaeological park which, by means of panels guided, allows you to investigate the structures, their history and evolution over time.

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