


Località: Strada per Rochemolles - Bardonecchia - Torino

SIC Cold Valley

The Cold valley SIC is characterized by rocks, screes and prairies and only to a minimal extent from Bosco constituted by flaps of larch-cembreti and by shrubs subalpine very localized. There are plant species of a certain interest such as Campanula alpestris, Leontopodium alpinum and Veronica allionii, inserted in the Red List national. In this area there are numerous rodoreti wet, that host many species of Lepidoptera seriously threatened in the entire alpine arch, which the Colias palaeno, Albulina optilete Aricia, Nicias, Parnassius phoebus. It is also the ideal habitat for the fauna typically alpine, the black grouse, the hare, the Ptarmigan, the ermine, l’aquila and the chamois.

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