Santa Fiora

The village of Santa Fiora stands on a hill and is divided into three districts: Castello, Borgo and Montecatino. The district of Castello, the oldest, has a medieval square dominated by the remains of the Aldobrandesque fortifications and the sixteenth-century palace of the Sforza Cesarini counts, today the municipal seat.

Canta Fiora
Canta Fiora
Santa Fiora, Peschiera
Santa Fiora, Peschiera
Santa Fiore - Riccardo Lemmi flickr
Santa Fiora, Peschiera
Riccardo Lemmi/flickr

Located on the southern slope of Monte Amiata, the hamlet is extended on a hill and is divided into three “terzieri” (neighborhoods) Castello, Borgo and Montecatino, decreasing in succession from the chestnut groves to the springs of the river Fiora. The Castello, the oldest terziere, has a medieval square dominated by the ruins of the fortifications from the sixteenth-century palace of the Sforza Cesarini counts, which is now site of the municipality. Among the frescoes of Cavalier d'Arpino's school and the Museum of Monte Amiata mercury mines, you can clearly understand the peculiarities of the place where, in Piazza San Michele, you can find the sculpture of the saint that steps on the devil. After visiting the parish church of Saints Flora and Lucilla, which houses one of the largest collections in the world of the "robbiane", glazed terracottas by Luca and Andrea Della Robbia, you will enter through the medieval Porticciola in the second terziere Borgo, and then in the Ghetto area where the synagogue once rose. From Porta San Michele you will finally arrive in the terziere of Montecatino, where the abundance of water in the past had favored the emerging of some factories. Here what captures the attention is an unexpected body of water: the splendid sixteenth-century Peschiera that, according to Cesare Brandi, looks unforgettable and that, alone, is worth the trip. Next to Peschiera you will notice a vast park or garden of the Sforza era and the seventeenth-century church of Madonna delle Nevi which rises above the springs of river Fiora, that you can easily see under the glass floor.

Between the municipalities of the province of Grosseto, Santa Fiora is the one that maintained its customs and traditions the most among the others, and it also boasts a substantial amount of festivals during the year. Just to name a few: the Canti di Questua della Befana, an ancient recurring event related to the dicioccatori's return from the Maremma immediately after the picking of chestnuts; the Carnevale Morto, which is the only local representation that deals with the theme of death and macabre as self-liberation that has survived to this day in Maremma; the Spring festival and the celebration of the Saints Flora and Lucilla.

Village of Santa Fiora
Municipality of Santa Fiora
Province of Grosseto
Tuscany Region

Population: 2.542 santafioresi 
Altitude centre: 687 m s.l.m.

the Municipality is part of:
I Borghi più belli d'Italia
Paesi Bandiera Arancione
Associazione Giochi Antichi
Unione Montana Amiata Grossetano
Strada del Vino Montecucco e dei Sapori d'Amiata

Orange Flag - Italian Touring Club

Protected Natural Areas:
Holy Trinity Forest Provincial Reserve

Piazza Garibaldi 25 - Tel. +39 0564 979611

Sea village
Suitable for disabled people
Village with castle
Strada Provinciale la Bella, 73 - 58037 - Santa Fiora - Grosseto
Via delle Vigne, 14 - 58037 - Santa Fiora - Grosseto
Via del Diacceto - Santa Fiora - Grosseto
Piazza Arcipretura, 1 - 58037 - Santa Fiora - Grosseto
Terziere di Borgo - Santa Fiora - Grosseto
Via della Peschiera - Santa Fiora - Grosseto
Via delle Monache, 24 - 58037 - Santa Fiora - Grosseto
Piazza Garibaldi, 25 - 58037 - Santa Fiora - Grosseto
Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, 26 - Santa Fiora - Grosseto


  • From the North: Take the A1 highway and exit at Firenze Certosa, take the Firenze - Siena highway, continue towards Grosseto until Paganico, continue following signs for Monte Amiata, reach Arcidosso and continue towards Santa Fiora.
  • From the South: In Rome, take the A12 motorway towards Civitavecchia, take the SS 1 Aurelia towards Grosseto, continue towards Grosseto until Paganico, continue towards Monte Amiata, reach Arcidosso and then follow the directions for Santa Fiora.


  • Chiusi-Chianciano Terme station
  • Grosseto station


  • Florence airport
  • Pisa airport
  • Rome Fiumicino Airport

  • Weekly Market: every thursday, in Via Libertà and Via Marconi and every friday, in Piazza Libertà.
  • Dead Carnival - Shrove Tuesday. A traveling show, strongly symbolic and self-representative winding through the streets and hamlets of Marroneto with moments of self-confession, «testament», and good-natured antagonism toward the power. 
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