


Località: Piazza San Vitale, 40, località  Missano - Zocca - Modena
Phone number: 059 985736

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Missano is an historical place, one of the most ancient village in the area, which probably dates back to byzantines domination. In 1214 Missano was a Parish and in 14th century it became a fortified village, dominated by Podesteria of Guiglia. The residential area is very interesting: there are many ancient houses with towers, a 17th century court named Cà Marinelli, the Oratory of Sant’Agostino and those of Annunciazione and Montevecchio or “of Riva”. Not to be missed is the Church of SS. Vitale e Biagio, with its baptistery. The Monte of Riva, with a maximum height of 808 m. above sea-level, is a ridge stretching from East to West and dominating the high valley of the river Panaro. The slope with a southern exposure is dry and sunny, and it is mainly covered by Downy oaks and Black pines, while in the North Chestnut trees and Hornbeams grow. The area offers wonderful sceneries over the Apennine ridge and, along the ridge, we can find Monte Cisterna, with a Nineteenth century oratory dedicated to B.V. della Provvidenza, and the Church of Alpine Army Corps.

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