


Località: Via Vincenzo Maglione, 19 - Laigueglia - Savona

Oratory of St Mary Magdalene

The structure forms a single body with the nearby parish church of San Matteo. The building was probably erected on the site of a pre-existing place of worship that was the seat of the 16th-century confraternity of the Disciplinants, the latter engaged in Laigueglia in assisting the needy, in various works of charity and in the suffrage of the dead. The prior, among other duties, was also responsible for controlling and regulating fishing, the main activity of the coastal village. On 22 July 1616, on the liturgical feast day of St Mary Magdalene, the foundation stone was laid, and the building work lasted a total of about eighteen years (1634). Rectangular in shape with a lunetted barrel vault and a single nave, the oratory has windows very high up to block the view from the outside and a slate roof with a roof tile ridge. The high altar is the work of Dionisio Corte, created between 1671 and 1673. Among the works inside are an altarpiece by Domenico Piola from 1674, depicting Saint Mary Magdalene in the desert, a statue representing the dead Christ and another painting, quite deteriorated, with the Virgin between Saint Peter and Saint Anthony Abbot. There is also a large 17th-century crucifix with silver ornaments at the ends of the arms. Two rows of 17th-century side benches and an 18th-century chancel complete the oratory’s furnishings. A recent restoration has allowed the discovery and relative valorisation of a 17th-century fresco depicting Saint Mary Magdalene, surrounded by angels, watching over the village of Laigueglia while the arrival of the coral boats is greeted from the 16th-century towers.

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