


Località: Via Aurelia, 630 - Laigueglia - Savona

Shrine of Our Lady of the Rock

The popular legend wants was the community of fishermen Catalans, emigrated in Laigueglia astride of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, to build up in the course of the half of the XVII century this small place of prayer at a rocky spur of the promontory of Capo Mele, just above the highway 1 Via Aurelia.

To this period dates back, moreover, the statue of the Madonna scope precisely by the sailors coral and entitled in the Catalonian language at Nuestra Senora de la Peña (Our Lady of the rock, or of the Cliff), which in the course of the centuries it was translated and italianized into Our Lady of pens.

The structure is a unique house, rectangular, where he was then added an annex hospitalization for wayfarers and pilgrims. On the side of the sanctuary that overlooks the sea was painted the fresco named as Madonna from the Big Eyes. Inside are conserved ex voto linked to the Sea and Seafaring Donati, as by religious tradition, for graces received.