The Church of San Matteo apostle is one of the most interesting religious buildings of late Baroque in Liguria. Built at the end of ‘700, extending a previous building, cost, as he wrote a contemporary chronicler, “more than half a million Genoa Lire, without counting the labor and the material administered for free by sailors and fishermen and the Monte d’oro offered by the body of the patrons…” (small boat owners and captains). With these generous offers it was possible to purchase at public auction some altars and paintings of great artistic prestige, auctioned after the closure of some important Genoese churches according to the Napoleonic laws. You can thus admire: the Assumption of Bernardo Strozzi (XVII century), the Pentecost of Castle Castellino (1645), the Baptism of Jesus and the crucifixion of great Genoese school of ‘600 in an internal harmonic and grandiose. All with the offerings of the faithful, seafarers, that to accentuate and make visible this their devotion, they wanted the crosses placed above the two bell towers were oriented according to the main winds of the sea: Mistral and Libeccio. During the period of greatest prosperity of families laiguegliesi the church was enlarged and the high altar was moved to the west. The precious statue of San Matteo, all covered with silver leaf, dates back to 1708. From any part addresses the gaze, one cannot escape the two bell towers, surmounted by colorful majolica domes.