


Località: Via del Grottone, 7 - Città Sant'Angelo - Pescara

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Luigi Chiavetta’ Civic Museum

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Luigi Chiavetta’ Civic Museum

The church of the Savior or San Liberatore, located in the immediate vicinity of the church of Sant’Agostino, has a structure of small dimensions and is constituted by a single nave. The date of its construction is not known – even if the list of tithes paid by the churches of Città Sant’Angelo is also mentioned the church of S. Salvatoris del Castello -, while we know for certain that it was restored in 1788, when she was given a “new form”; a subsequent restoration was carried out in 1850.

The small oratory, entitled to his time in San Liberatore, presents a facade in classical with at the center a large window, to whose sides are located two niches containing the statues in plaster, of excellent workmanship, depicting the Savior and the Immaculate Conception, work together to the stucco work of the interior of the local artist by Calliope Grella, which tradition says he would depart from the city losing his every track. To remember the pretty bell tower, now almost destroyed, Clare borrominiana inspiration.

Today it is the seat of the “Luigi Chiavetta” Civic Museum and hosts many archaeological finds discovered in the Angolan territory and an important collection of small statues of worship (chinocchje), that the people have guarded and jealously preserved expression which naive, but sincere and suggestive of religious faith.

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Farmhouse Torre Mannella
Città Sant'Angelo
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