The Church, from 1353 erected into a Collegiate Church, is built in the initial zone of the historical center of Città Sant’Angelo. The building consists of two naves (S. Michele and S. John) and is completed by a valuable fifteenth-century portico, divided into two lobbies covered with truss in Capriata among which engages the wide stairway access.
The coffered ceiling wood of the nave of St. Michele – made in 1911 by the local craftsmen – hides the trusses with frescoes of the fourteenth century, attributed to the Maestro di Offida and which remain some paintings, recently restored, representing scenes from the life of Jesus. In the same nave are enjoyed precious treasures such as the imposing wooden statue of San Michele of the XIV century, the polychrome terracotta statue of the Madonna of the graces of the XIV century, the fifteenth-century sarcophagus of Bishop Buonamicizia Friend of 1457 and, behind the high altar, a precious wooden choir carved with lectern, performed by the Angolan ebanist Giuseppe Monti in the XVII century; from also appreciate the cappelloni five of a gilded wooden altar, with valuable carvings dating back always to the XVII century and made by masters of the Neapolitan school.
The ogival portal, made in 1326 by the sculptor atriano Raimondo di Poggio, is the work of singular charm: it opens at the center of the side which gives on the course, with great architectural effect, interrupting the majestic curtain walls of the side, decorated with pilaster strips of reinforcement and crowned at the top by a frame in small superimposed arches. It is well visible the influence of atriana school because the work remains substantially in the richness and the fantasy of the decorations and the general system, the trend of other portals run by the same artist; differs, however, from the other since frame, arches and archivolts leave the sixth round and accept the sixth acute. Equally important are the two plutei of stone, placed at the base of the pillars of the inlet of the staircase, coming from an ambo of the building of the IX century.
The symbol of the primacy of the Church on the civil law, the great bell tower rises up to 47 meters (measure equivalent to the length of the porch) and is marked by four marcapiani in brick worked. Two tombstones, situated on the south-east of the tower, secure to 1425 the date of its construction to the work of the neapolitan workers and to 1709 the year of reconstruction of the bell tower collapsed because of the earthquake of 1706.