
A small village built on the ancient route of the Via Francigena, in the Crete Senesi, in Buonconvento you can still breathe a timeless atmosphere, a lifestyle, a rhythm punctuated by the striking of the clock of the medieval tower of the Palazzo del Podestà .

Buonconvento, Piazzale Garibaldi
Archivio Comunale Buonconvento
Buonconvento, affaccio su Piazzetta Oscura
Archivio Comunale Buonconvento
Buonconvento, torre e campanile
Archivio Comunale Buonconvento
Buonconvento, Via del Sole
Archivio Comunale Buonconvento
Buonconvento, Villa Rondinella
Archivio Comunale Buonconvento
Buonconvento, Museo della Mezzadria Senese
Archivio Comunale Buonconvento
Buonconvento, Processione del Venerdì Santo
Archivio Comunale Buonconvento
Buonconvento, Festa della Trebbiatura
Archivio Comunale Buonconvento
Fabio Michele Capelli/shutterstock
Fabio Michele Capelli/shutterstock
Restuccia Giancarlo

From the Latin bonus conventus, meaning felicitous or fortunate community: a happy congregation of people benefiting from the fruitfulness of the land and the advantages of the proximity of the Arbia and Ombrone rivers, as well as the excellent position on the important Via Francigena road. Here travelers found food and lodging. Buonconvento is 25 km from Siena, 145 meters above sea level, and covers a territory of about 65 square km. The Via Francigena passed along this main street, lined with the town's most important buildings. It is named for the Soccini family, originally from this area, some members of which were famous Sienese juriconsults. Other family members, religious reformers and contesters of certain Church doctrines, led a movement called "Socinianism"that spread to various parts of Europe.

Historic building in Buonconvento

  • PORTA SENESE (SIENESE GATE). This majestic and imposing tower gate was built in 1379 by the Sienese Governors, along with the city walls. It is in typically Sienese style, with a Gothic arch over the entrance, which still conserves its iron-clad wood fittings, restored in 1998. On the front are two emblems, the black and white "balzana" of Siena and that of the municipality of Buonconvento
  • MUSEO DELLA MEZZADRIA SENESE (SIENESE SHARECROPPING MUSEUM). Located in the old Del Taja vat storage building, restored in 1997, the museum is a precious container of farming memories, tools and objects, as well as aspects of the landscape and of the life and work of sharecroppers. It includes multimedia spaces with speaking figures, videos, images and educational and cultural laboratories. It is also the site of the Tourist Office. 
  • CHIESA DEI SANTI PIETRO E PAOLO (CHURCH OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL). This ancient church may date back as far as 1103. Henry VII, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, died here on August 24th, 1313. The church was completely rebuilt in 1705 in a classicizing form and embellished with paintings by the best Sienese artists, currently kept in the local Museum of Sacred Art. 
  • MUSEUM OF SACRED ART OF THE VAL D’ARBIA. Palazzo Ricci Socini hosts a Museum that displays paintings, sculptures and liturgical objects linked to the territory, produced between 1300 and 1800. This palazzo is also a splendid example of Liberty-style architecture, was designed by architect Gino Chierici at the beginning of the 20th century. It contains precious interior decorations.

The History

  • 1191 - King Philip Augustus of France, returning from the third crusade along the Via Francigena, notes having stayed in the mansion of Bon-couvent: his recollection is the earliest historic documentation of Buonconvento. 
  • 1208 - Buonconvento is taxed 30 lire - a significant sum in those days - by Siena, which is at war with Florence and in need of money. This fact testifies to the economic prosperity the town enjoyed. 
  • 1313 - Henry VII of Luxembourg, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, in Italy to restore imperial authority, dies on August 24th in Buonconvento after having conquered it.
  • 1316 -The town is seized by Uguccione della Faggiola, and by the Perugians in 1358 in their struggle against the Sienese. 
  • 1371 - Construction begins on the fortifications, and in 1385 the Palazzo of the Podesta' is built.
  • 1400 - Buonconvento becomes the seat of a vast podesta' jurisdiction comprising 32 villages.
  • 1480 - The Sienese Governors concede to Buonconvento the privileges of Sienese citizenship. 
  • 1559 - With the fall of Siena, Buonconvento becomes part of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany under the powerful Medici family. It maintains the podesta' jurisdiction, and remains the most important town in the Arbia River Valley.

Surrounding Area
For art lovers, the countryside around Buonconvento offers interesting occasions. The Parish Church of Santa Innocenza in Piana is a fortified complex documented as far back as 1081. Vi1la di Piana boasts a residence that was one of the "granges" of Siena's historic Hospital. Castelrosi has an example of a Medieval fortified farm, partially restored in the 20th century. The XII century Castle of Bibbiano is enclosed within a compact ring Wall, and nearby is the castle-villa La Torre. Castelnuovo Tancredi offers an architectural complex: with a donjon, a 16th-century villa, a farmhouse and a church. Also interesting to visit are the farms of Chiatina, Armena, Casale Sergardi, Serravalle and Resta.

Buonconvento also means Liberty, a typically urban style that took hold here as well, putting the town on the map in the world of art and good taste. A unique example in the province of Siena, Liberty style here took a serene, refined form that played on materials, colors and decorative effects, in exteriors as well as in highly "floral" interior decorations consisting of frescoes, stained glass and wrought iron. Examples include Palazzo Ricci Socini, Palazzo Farnetani, Palazzo Ricci, the old Grisaldi del Taja preschool, Palazzina Sensi and Palazzina Castell8ni Bettarini, all located along Via Soccini, Via Roma and Via D.Alighieri. On the Cassia road heading towards Rome stands the Villa La Rondinella, another magnificent example of Liberty style, designed by the architect Gino Chierici.

Village of Buonconvento
The Municipality of Buonconvento
Province of Siena
Tuscany Region

inhabitants: 3.082 buonconventini
Altitude center: 147 m a.s.l.

The Municipality is part of:
I Borghi più belli d'Italia
City of chianina
Communes of the Via Francigena
Road of Wine Orcia

Most beautiful villages in Italy
Oil city
Slow City
Village in the mountain
Village with castle
Village with park
Village with towers
Via Soccini, 18 - Buonconvento - Siena
Via Soccini, 10 - Buonconvento - Siena
Località  Piana - Buonconvento - Siena
Piazzale Garibaldi - Buonconvento - Siena
SP 34/C, 2, località  Bibbiano - Buonconvento - Siena


  • From the North: Take the A1 highway, exit at Firenze Certosa, take the Firenze-Siena highway, exit at Siena Sud and continue on the SS 2 Cassia following the signs for Buonconvento.
  • From the South: Enter the A1 highway, exit at Sinalunga or Chianciano Terme and follow the indications for Pienza, once in Pienza follow the indications for S.Quirico d'Orcia and then for Buonconvento.


  • Buonconvento railway station


  • Florence airport
  • Pisa airport
  • Rome Fiumicino Airport

With regard to enogastronomy, the village of Buonconvento, a rich and happy land, does not fail to reserve pleasant surprises. The main local products are:

-White truffle from the Crete Senesi and truffle marzolo
-Vino D.O.C. Orcia
-Cheese meat from the Chianina breed
-Cheese Cinta Senese
-Sheep's meat and products
-Pecorino Toscano D.O.P. (from sheep farms)


As for typical dishes, the mezzadrile tradition has handed down so-called “poor” dishes, prepared with simple but genuine and essential ingredients, which are revived in the village festival “Sagra della Val d’Arbia” at the end of September: from panelle, to fettunta of black cabbage, to panzanella, to pasta with crumbs (of bread), to pici, to chickpea soup with tagliolini, to pappa al pomodoro, to ribollita, to eggs with tomato, to stuffed locio neck, to tripe, to dry cakes, to migliaccio typical of the pork processing period.

  • End of November - Autumn Cretes. Flavors of Val d'Arbia. The flavors, scents and landscapes of the Crete Senesi mix with the warm autumn colors to offer a unique experience that envelops all the senses. A month of tastings and ancient legends involving the Communes of the Circondario of Crete Senesi with special events: exhibitions, tastings, guided tours, workshops and shows where every type of traveler will find his chance to know these lands. Buonconvento special events to discover the truffle, the beauties of the area between museums, short chain markets and exhibitions set up by hobbyists and collectors.
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