


Località: Piazzale Garibaldi - Buonconvento - Siena
Phone number: 0577 809744

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Museum of Senese Sharecropping

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Museum of Senese Sharecropping

The Ethnographic Museum of Senese Sharecropping in Buonconvento is placed close to the medieval walls of the town and is set up in the spaces of an old farm, which keeps unchanged the main architectural structures. Inaugurated in September 2002, the museum proposes to collect the various testimonies on the Sharecropping, a conduction ratio of land where the owner put the land capital and the colonist, his work and his family with the final division of the product into equal parts. The length of its duration in time, from approximately 200 until the second half of the twentieth century and the involvement of the greater part of the agricultural population Tuscany, have made the sharecropping, the social phenomenon relevant. In the sequence of scenic representations which succeed one another, the single document becomes part of a complex construction that sometimes strongly alludes to a situation, sometimes instead aims to reconstruct an overall part of that world. In this way the objects, movies and photos, besides being documents to preserve and protect, become parts of scenes often cemented by the words of some figures speakers representing the protagonists of sharecropping: the owner, factor, the ringleaders, housewife. The exhibition was divided on 2 floors: In the first succession the sections dedicated to the Landscape, farm, the threshing, the Mill and the rural village, while in the second floor you develop some themes linked to the farm. In the museum also offers interesting educational activities for schools and exposes in the bookshop, examples of modern handicrafts that connect with ancient skills.

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