


Località: Via Soccini, 18 - Buonconvento - Siena
Phone number: 0577 807190

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Sacred Art Museum of Arbia Valley

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Sacred Art Museum of Arbia Valley

Inside the Sacred Art Museum of Arbia Valley in Buonconvento there are preserved some valuable paintings by Duccio di Buoninsegna, Pietro Lorenzetti, Luca di Tommè, Andrea di Bartolo, Sano di Pietro, Matteo di Giovanni, Girolamo di Welcome, Andrea Piccinelli, Francesco Vanni, Alessandro Casolani, Rutilio Manetti, as well as works of goldsmith (censers, reliquaries, etc.) and wooden furniture from the churches of the territory.

The path of the visit, ordered with chronological order, begins at the second floor with paintings on the table of the fourteenth and fifteenth century. The Museum presents a series of masterpieces coming from the territory of Buonconvento that testify to their quality, the binding of this area with the pictorial production of Siena. The exhibition is organized on seven rooms, plus a room dedicated to the sacred vestments.

November – March: Saturday and Sunday: 10-13/15-17.
April-october: from Tuesday to Sunday: 10-13/15-18.

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