Rediscover the identifying places of Sardinian beauty. A cultural and civic journey. For the past 22 years it has been offering the Monumenti Aperti, a “room” event in Cagliari and in many places in Sardinia. An immense heritage offered and reoffered to citizens and tourists, with the young guides of the students of the schools of the various countries to illustrate churches and palaces to the numerous visitors. The review, which recorded only in Cagliari, in the triptych 6-7-8 May, 95 thousand signatures of visitors, was also awarded with an important recognition at European level by the European Commission and Europa Nostra, the main European network for cultural heritage: the award for cultural heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2018. Twenty-nine winners, coming from 17 countries.
Conservation, research, exemplary contributions and education, training and awareness: this is the category for which Monumenti Aperti has been awarded. For some years the event has also moved to the “continent”. And here is the official opening of April in Bitonto, in the Bari area, which has returned to the short list of the ten finalist cities to contend for the title of Italian Capital of Culture, then assigned to Parma. Bitonto now has the title of Southern Capital of Culture. Another non-Sardinian venue will be in October (on 13 and 14) Ferrara, the marvelous city loved by Giorgio De Chirico. But also Copparo (20 and 21), in the province of Ferrara. Fifty-nine municipalities of the islands involved in the initiative, from 21 April to 3 June. Monumenti Aperti was founded in 1997 by a happy idea of ​​culture men and journalists passionate Cagliari and scholars of the territory. The result is a real consortium between institutions and associations, so today we can talk about a real success and case of school on the rediscovery of the most noteworthy historical-artistic and architectural emergencies of Sardinia.
Churches usually closed or not freely visited, private buildings, inaccessible places: for the event the Monuments are Open and then the curiosity is great that, from time to time, is created in the various centers involved.
These are the new Sardinian cities of this year: Cossoine, Pabillonis, Sant’Anna Arresi, Seneghe, Terralba, Torralba and Tramatza. In all 800 the places of culture open and told by over 18,000 volunteers, students from schools of all levels.
Heritage and identity, therefore. This is at the center of the initiative, now historic. Two values ​​declined as continuously “open” in the past, in the present and in the future to the contaminations from which opportunities and possibilities of development derive. In fact, the idea moves domestic tourism to Sardinia but also records arrivals from the rest of Italy. In Cagliari, a city that notoriously presents its neighborhoods almost as small villages within the urban connective tissue, so many arrivals. Among the most visited sites are the Botanical Garden, the University Building and the Piloni Collection. But also the San Giovanni di Dio Civil Hospital, the National Archaeological Museum, the Masonic House, the Legion of the Carabinieri and the former Carburanti Depot, Palazzo de la Valleè. Visits to the Sardinian Union Archive are also welcome to the public. The same happened for the places of regional politics. “Cultural heritage in all its forms is one of the main assets of Europe: it builds bridges between people and communities and between the past and the future, plays a fundamental role for our European identity and gives impetus to social development and economic “, so the prize commission. “I congratulate the winners of the European Union Award for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2018. Thanks to their talent and their commitment, many treasures of European cultural heritage have been safeguarded and re-launched and, more importantly, the Their work allows people from different backgrounds to discover, explore and learn about our rich cultural heritage, in the spirit of the European Year of Cultural Heritage that we celebrate in 2018 “. Instead, they are the words of Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport.
So let’s talk about a great story and an equally great success. In this success there is Sardinia and there is Italy. All thanks to Open Monuments. An experience that more and more is good for “school”, it is appropriate to say.