


Località: Viale Magna Grecia, 37 - Trebisacce - Cosenza

Trebisacce waterfront

Trebisacce waterfront is one of the first waterfronts to be built in Calabria. It is considered “the living room of the Ionian town” and stretches for about five kilometers. The waterfront is adorned with tree-lined flowerbeds that make it an ideal place for walks.

In the Piazza San Francesco there is a sculpture depicting the saint from Paola, placed there in 2007. This stretch of coastline offers panoramic views of the crystal clear sea and golden beach.

Trebisacce’s waterfront is also a gathering place for tourists and residents, thanks to the presence of numerous bars, restaurants and stores. In addition, during the summer, cultural and musical events are organized that enliven the evenings of the waterfront.

Ristorante da Lucrezia
Via XXV Aprile - Trebisacce - Cosenza
I Sogni di Minù
Via Peschiera, 12 - Trebisacce - Cosenza
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