


Località: Via dei Massari, snc - Trebisacce - Cosenza


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Ludovico Noia’ Museum of Oil Art and Peasant Culture

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Ludovico Noia’ Museum of Oil Art and Peasant Culture

The Museo dell’Arte Olearia e della Cultura Contadina ‘Ludovico Noia’ (Museum of Oil Art and Peasant Culture) is a facility located in the historic center of Trebisacce that represents a private initiative for charitable purposes by the Noia brothers. The latter started the museum in memory of their late parent Ludovico, Trebisaccese’s first adult organ donor.

The building that houses the museum was purchased by the Noia family with the aim of recovering the historical memory of a cultural heritage of great value to the community. In fact, the premises was home from 1934 to 1986 to an oil mill, where the area’s prized olive oil was produced.

The museum consists of three rooms, “Room A” houses the equipment of the company “Fonderie Officine Camplone S. p. A. Pescara” necessary for the production of the oil (the actual oil mill) and other ancient artifacts, including a very rare specimen of a wooden “Calabrian-style wine press” dating back to the 17th century, with a specific type with vines; “room B” houses objects from the peasant culture, with a collection that falls in a chronological span from the 17th century to the last decades of the 20th; “room C,” on the other hand, is used as a workshop.

A visit to the museum is an exciting and engaging experience that allows visitors to learn about the history of olive oil and farming culture in the area. In addition, admission to the museum is free of charge, with donations going to underprivileged people in the area.

The Museum of Olive Oil Art and Peasant Culture ‘Ludovico Noia’ represents a place of great cultural interest for all those who wish to learn about the history and traditions of the area. Thanks to the passion and commitment of the Noia brothers, it has been possible to recover and enhance a historical and cultural heritage of inestimable value to the local community.

[email protected]

Ristorante da Lucrezia
Via XXV Aprile - Trebisacce - Cosenza
I Sogni di Minù
Via Peschiera, 12 - Trebisacce - Cosenza
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