


Località: Via Castello, 20 - Santa Flavia - Palermo


the earliest Punic city of Solunto (in Semitic Kfr), dated from the VIII to the V century B.C. and remembered by the historian Thucydides, was in correspondence of the promontory of Sòlanto. The toponym derives from the Greek sólos (“ferrous rock”). As a result of the invasion by Dionisio I of Siracusa, the town was destroyed and subsequently, around 383 B.C., on Mount Catalfano was built the second city of Solunto, Hellenistic matrix. Of the Punic town remain today few traces because of the recent growth in building, as a necropolis with graves chamber (destroyed in April 1972 during construction works) near the railway station of Santa Flavia, an industrial neighborhood with furnaces, a likely tophet with the remains of burned bones and stele “throne” and, at the locality Olivella, a burial hypogeum with dromos.

The Castle of Sòlanto was built during the rule of King Ruggero to protection of the nearby Tonnara. By Frederick III The Castle was sold to Manfredo Layhabixa, while in 1392 king Martino devolse the complex to Francesco de Casaya. In 1415 the castle was acquired by Corrado Spadafora; subsequently, in 1517, it passed to the family Alliata, Barons of Solanto. The lords of the Castle were Francesco Chain (1666), Mario Antonio Joppolo Colnago principe di Sant’Elia (1682), Christopher Riccardo Filangeri prince of Santa Flavia (1765) and Benedict Mantegna principe di Gangi (1879). The Royal Palace is a sector of the castle used (early 19th century) to residence of Ferdinand I of Bourbon. La Tonnara, whose structure is made of limestone to rough, ceased its fishing activities on 14 July 1961.

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