within the scope of the Madonie Park Polizzi Generosa occupies a place of particular importance since it is precisely in his territory that we can find the most interesting naturalistic. Suffice it to think of the Vallone Madonna degli Angeli where between evergreen oaks, Knucklebones, spots of beech and carpets of juniper survive superbly, true living fossils that date back to the last glaciation, 25 plants of Abies Nebrodensis existing unique in the world still inserted into its original habitats. But there is also the small lake of Piano Cervi , surrounded by what remains of an imposing beech wood, the natural amphitheater of the biotope Quacella, a true paradise for botanists because rich in endemic species like some beautiful orchids and the imposing massif of the Carbonara that at 1979 m a.s.l. is among the least modified by humans of the island and therefore of exceptional importance for the survivor insular avifauna.
At the end of the last century there were no more deer, fallow deer, roe deer. The Wild boar was extinguished, contemporarily the Wolf that had not more natural preys among the wild herbivores, owing itself to turn to domestic ended up making the accounts with shepherds and hunters : not survived to the first decades of our century. At the same time, among the birds was extinguished the Hazel Grouse, of dimensions similar to those of a partridge. With the reclamations before and the following drainages of so many ponds and water mirrors disappeared gradually whole armies of swampy birds: the sultan chicken, the Bearded Tits and some waders.
From the mountains disappeared the Bearded Vulture, big vulture survived until 1850 only on the Madonie, from rivers the Otter, from the forests of the Black Woodpecker, the green Woodpecker, from the prairies the little bustard, flat from the Quail tridattila. Last and symbolic, the extinction of the Griffon, another big vulture, once present, exterminated by the poisoned bits distributed with irresponsibility to destroy the Foxes. This is why was born the Park and that is why precisely Polizzi was born a year after the Madonie Environment Museum.
Opening times: Open after reservation from monday to sunday from 09 to 13.