


Località: Via S. Giacomo, 1, Prà© di Ledro - Pieve di Ledro - Trento
Phone number: 0464 591222

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Broche Forge

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Broche Forge

in the XVII century in Valle di Ledro you begin to seat in the ironworks and in a short time we develop strongly by substituting a good part of the work of the fields and pastures, being economically better; La Ferriera involves many people, not only who melts the metal or the works but also, for example, who brings the coal for furnaces and who transports the finished material; this activity while having developed quickly, undergoes a decrease with the arrival of the troops of Napoleon and with the consequent passage of the valley below The Austrian control, the decline continues up to the discontinued activities toward the half of the nineteenth century, remain alive only some furnaces for the production of agricultural implements and nails.

After the 1866 arrive in the Valley of the workers from the Bergamo and Brescia, with the best techniques and reactivate the disused fucine heralding a new production of jugs for shoes; the nails were used to protect the sole which usually was in wood and in the best cases in leather. This new production season develops still predominantly to the Molina and at Prè, but undergoes a first block due to the outbreak of the first world war and the call to arms of the wardens; however being thus lack the pitchers for the shoes of the soldiers, you decide to retrieve them from the front and make them work in factories furthest from war zones until the end of the same. With the advent of rubber soles has end the history of jugs in iron and are thus closed all the forges.

Prè di Ledro is also famous for the production of Broche. In the village you can find a room for the forge, the forge de le Broche. You can see the work the ciuaröi that will show you how you forge the nails that were placed under the shoes. For the Ledro Valley It was a very important activity that has even allowed to ledrensi to return from the front during the First World War and to avoid leaving soldier during the Second World War.

Farmhouse Da Muner
Pieve di Soligo
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