


Località: Via al Lago, 3, Molina di Ledro - Pieve di Ledro - Trento
Phone number: 0464 508182

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Pile dwellings Museum of Ledro

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Pile dwellings Museum of Ledro

The Pile dwellings, dating back to the bronze age were discovered in 1929 following a temporary lowering of the water level, for the construction of a hydroelectric power station at Riva del Garda.

Objects of everyday life of 4000 years ago are exposed, on the background of the remains of the ancient pile-dwelling village, so as to make understandable the life during the Bronze Age. In recent years the Museum has developed a great ability to dialog with the visitors, proposing in places equipped educational activities of great success with laboratories imitativa archeology for schools and an entertainment program during the summer.

With this structure it is possible to stimulate the critical capacity of the visitors, which can implement a comparison (currently only at the level of the alpine arc italian) between scientific knowledge derived from the visit of the relics preserved in the Museum, sensations and emotions arising from being in the presence of “true” prehistoric site and finally the possibility to see and explore in the representation in real scale a model reconstructed prehistoric stilts.

The village is located in the meadow in front of the Museum. A wooden platform in a cantilevered fashion on the riverbed Ponale maintains the huts, two of contained dimensions (3x6m), a larger (5x8m); were adopted the constructional criteria implemented at other centers alpine lake-dwelling (as, for example, Unterhuldingen, on Lake Constance), bearing in mind the recent studies both on structures palafitticole di Ledro and on those of the nearby settlement of Fiavé.

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