The Church of St. Leonard and Flavian today is the most important place of worship in Monte Rinaldo, dedicated to the country’s patron saints. Based on some documents it is possible to state that the Church was built in 1100, but these reports are not confirmed. Instead, evidence is certain that there were two separate churches dedicated to each of the saints, but when the building near the walls was renovated in the 16th century, the two titles were united. And it is equally certain that that of St. Flavian existed and was officiated in 1299 since the parish priest regularly paid tributes to the Fermo curia.
At the beginning of the 19th century the church had a bell tower with three bells: one of 1,000 pounds, one of 400 and the smallest of 40; and inside there were as many as five altars: the high altar, the altar dedicated to Jesus and Mary, the altar of St. Martin the Pope, the altar of St. Charles and the altar of St. Anthony. These, after renovations and roof consolidation, were reduced to only three. In 1891 the parish priest asked the Archbishop for permission to raise the missing money for a new renovation by raising the cost of each Mass for the dead to 2 liras.
The Archbishop invited the priests adhering to the initiative to express in writing their willingness to donate part of the proceeds of the Masses to finance this work with the commitment, however, not to further increase the cost of the rite. In 1930 Pastor Silenzi exposed to the archbishop the state of decay in which the church was in, and he approved a new consolidation project, the implementation of which, however, entailed the removal of two altars and the bell tower.