


Località: Via delle Grazie - Masserano - Biella
Phone number: 345 5126696

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Church of San Teonesto

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Church of San Teonesto

of very ancient origins, the church of San Teonesto is located outside of the village above a hillock isolated. Currently deconsecrated, until the nineteenth century was the church of the Convent of the friars, joints in Masserano in 1592 at the behest of Marchesa Claudia, wife of Besso Ferrero Fieschi, to take care of the population. After the suppression of the religious orders commissioned by Napoleon, the monks were forced to leave the convent, that, after a period of abandonment, was purchased by the Municipality and used as a school building, function that it still preserves.

Built in Romanesque style, has a gabled facade is distinguished by two buttresses with at the center the portal. The interior is impressive, with cross vaults throughout the sixth, and embellished by the altars of the side chapels in stucco. The first right after the entrance is the rich chapel of Sant’Antonio da Padova, anonymous author, made for an ex-voto in 1650, as stated in the text of the mail folder on time. On its left is the chapel of San Diego, followed by the chapel of San Francesco, richly decorated with stuccoes and frescoes with scenes from the life of the saint. On the other side we find the Chapel of San Bonaventura, decorated with stucco and that of Saint Peter of Alcantara, entirely frescoed.

Climbing the presbytery, through a door on the left you have access to that which was at one time the chapel of the Salus Infirmorum, richly frescoed in the second half of the Seventeenth Century. On the right wall you can admire a pseudo altarpiece depicting the nativity of the Virgin, while on time, beyond a false dome, is represented the coronation of Mary. In San Teonesto Baroque and Romanesque mingle, creating an artistic site only for the history of art in Piedmont.

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