


Località: Via Galileo Galilei, 27 - Mamoiada - Nuoro
Phone number: 0784 569018

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Culture and Work Museum

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Culture and Work Museum

The museum visit is proposed as a fundamental step to know and understand the culture, the traditions and the history of the territory of Mamoiada. You have chosen that were the traditional dresses, intended to follow every gesture and every occasion who wore them, to accompany the visitor along the path to conserve memory, also material of a society archaic profoundly changed only recently: the changing of the dress is in fact the mirror more evident the change of the company.

Through the different thematic halls is ideally follows the lives of the men and women of Mamoiada as it was still not up to the middle of the last century: their lie socially moments – of celebration and mourning – who staged the existence. The centrality of the path is pivoted on the big hall dedicated to work activities of Mamoiada: a moment of study that will follow in the visit to the enogastronomic activities and Crafts present in the country.

Opening times: from Tuesday to Sunday (closed on monday) hours 10/13 – 15/18.

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