


Località: Via Castello di Villalta - Fagagna - Udine
Phone number: 0432 800171

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Villalta Castle

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Villalta Castle

located in a dominating position on the plain, represents a compulsory stopover for those who wants to make an excursion to the most beautiful and romantic of the hilly area. Its history is lost in the mists of time, as attest Roman foundations and traces of a castelliere. The most ancient document that concerns him dates back to 1158. Several times besieged, destroyed and rebuilt between 1200 and 1400, underwent finally an important enlargement in 1500 that gave him the monumental aspect that still today characterises it. And for centuries it was owned by the Lords of Villalta-Caporiacco and accounts of the tower, noble family and prestigious in the patriarchate of Aquileia, to which he gave three Patriarchs. The double walls, the walkways of Ronda, the drawbridge, the defense towers and the picturesque and romantic courtyards are witnesses of the past greatness and strategic importance of the castle.

The residence offers:
guided visit to the private residence of Auditors Gelmi Caporiacco of and to the inner garden, if possible accompanied by the owners.
Duration: 1 hour.
Participants: individual and groups of max. 50 people.
Operating mode: booking and number of participants to be agreed by the Consortium for the protection of the Castles of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Cultural events, art, music and poetry. The spaces dedicated to the events are accessible to people with disabilities.

[email protected]

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