


Località: Via Lisignana, 40 - Fagagna - Udine
Phone number: 0432 801887

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Cjase Cocèl Peasant Life Museum

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Cjase Cocèl Peasant Life Museum

you will have the impression that you’re in a house inhabited, where time has stopped. In addition to the environments (were reconstructed the kitchen, the rooms, the cellar, the barn, The Hague, the room from work), you can see people running the various machining with ancient tools: the basket, the blacksmith, the miller, grinder, the woman that row wool and merlettaia.

Very interesting in this museum Cjase Cocel of Fagagna, the section of the clothing with the frame, clothing, clothing and tools of female employment and the part dedicated to the ancient tradition of bobbin lace fagagnese. Complete the exhibition, the canopy for the Trebbia, mill, the forge, the osteria, dairy working perfectly (where processing will be carried out of the cheese), the classroom, la bottega del Carter, the Museum of the EPA.

Services: Guided Tours, Bookshop, didactic laboratories, parking, which is accessible to the disabled.

Only open on Sundays.
Giu-Set 3.30.
Apr-Mag-Ott-Nov 14.30-18.
Closed: Easter Monday, 25 April, 1 May, 2 June, 15 August, 1 November.

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