


Località: Via Tiberina Sud, 150 - Deruta - Perugia

Church of Our Lady of the Piaggie

was built at the behest of the magistrates Deruta in 1601; in 1606 was aggregated to the company of the rosary or death. In this church the Easter Monday, ended with a solemn ceremony the procession to the Church of Santa Maria di Roncione and equally, the next day, the Madonna dei Bagni. Inside the only altar houses a fresco depicting the Madonna and Child by local artist of culture late mannerist. At one time the walls were adorned with frescoes depicting curtains, but now come to us in part. The tile inserted in the facade depicting the Madonna and Child, is opera autograph of Amerigo Long.

From here also come 6 ex votos conserved in the Regional Museum of the Ceramics now replaced by faithful copies. The ex voto are very similar to those of the sanctuary of the Madonna of the bath is in style that in the abbreviation P.G.R i.e. for grace received.

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