


Località: 38045 - Civezzano - Trento

Lake of Santa Colomba

An integral part of the Ecomuseum of Argentario, this stretch of water is located in a wooded basin in the southern part of Valle di Cembra, about ten minutes by car from the village of Civezzano.
A geological interest of the basin is given by its dislocation on a fault that separates rocks of lavic nature (quartz porphyries) from rocks of sedimentary nature (Calisio limestones).
The area is very popular for the amenity of the mirror from the green waters that reflect the sky and fir trees and for the relaxing beauty of the surrounding places.
In the waters of the lake live the trout, the pike, the rudd, the tench and the carp.
The lake can be reached through numerous itineraries: a dense network of paths crosses the Ecomuseum of Argentario and connects the main points.

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