


LocalitĂ : Via Nicola Guccerelli, 10 - Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole - Forli Cesena

Church of Saints Nicolò and Francesco

The church of Saints Nicolò and Francesco was formerly a Franciscan monastery; it became a parish in 1783.

The interior is composed of three naves and preserves a famous work by the Forlì painter Marco Palmezzano (1500), representing the Blessed Virgin with Saints Augustine and Antonio, and a sandstone pulpit dated 1533. In the aisles there are several frescoes, one depicting the Blessed Virgin with Saints Sebastian and Rocco and Saint Sebastian, the other the Crucifixion.

Opening hours
From 9.00 to 12.00 and from 16.30 to 19.00.

Opening hours
It can be visited during the hours of worship.

Weekly closing
It does not have closing days

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