


Località: Via Roma, 125 - Bene Vagienna - Cuneo
Phone number: 0172 654969

Lucerna Palace Of Rora

Palazzo Lucerna di Rorà was remodeled on a pre-existing medieval structure between the 1600s and 1700s by the Marquises Oreglia di Novello, counts of Castino and Farigliano and barons of Isola. The building made art of a vast complex located between today’s Piazza Botero and Via Torino. Dating from this period are the stuccoes in the ground-floor rooms executed by the Lugano brothers Beltramelli, who in the same years also worked in Bene at the Magistrati palace and in the churches of San Francesco and San Bernardino dei Disciplinanti Bianchi. On April 24, 1796 l palace hosted General Napoleon Bonaparte during the Italian campaign.

In the early 1800s many rooms were renovated probably under the direction of Pelagio Palagi and decorated with motifs reminiscent of those in Racconigi Castle.

Since the early twentieth century it has been home to the Civic-Archaeological Museum rich in Roman artifacts from Augusta Bagennorum. The rooms are accessed through a wide staircase probably designed by Juvarra.

Source *Municipality of Bene Vagienna

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