


Località: SR479 - Anversa degli Abruzzi - L'Aquila

Church of St. Mary ad Nives

The church of Santa Maria ad Nives of Anversa degli Abruzzi was built at the feud Flaturno, at the current cemetery. At the beginning of the IX century it became a possession of the Benedictine Friars originating of Volturno, from which the name of a nearby church: the Church of San Vincenzo de Flaturno, today disappeared, that takes its name from the abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno, the monastery regent of the surroundings. Then was called “Santa Maria de Flaturno” and depended as a fief of the church of Santa Maria Appinianico.

In the XVI century it was donated to the Dominican friars from the family that held in fief Anversa degli Abruzzi in that period, namely the Belprato. In 1652 Pope Innocent X suppressed the monastery that step in the management directly to the feudal family of Anversa degli Abruzzi. The Church thus lost its importance and was gradually abandoned, until today we can only admire the ruins. In the years to follow the 1652 the monastery was first used as a barn, then as Lazzaretto in epidemics susseguitesi at Anversa degli Abruzzi, after the Second World War was abandoned also after the war itself was probably used as a refuge-bunker.

The church, restored, is preserved in two bodies: a small house of stone hut, rimsuiglio of small convent complex, and the rectangular plan of the Church, whose facade and the beginning of the two peripheral walls are perfectly conserved. The gabled facade has a simple Romanesque portal with a lunette. The interior has two columns at the entrance which crown the portal. The capitals are of the Corinthian order.

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