This is a large cave resulting from the cave of enormous rocks on the steep slope of the mountain. Was already described in the book At the gates of Italy by the writer Edmondo De Amicis, that visited during an excursion in Val d’Angrogna.
The place and the name that recalls him, the Church in the lair, testifies that for centuries was prohibited to people reading the Bible and his preaching. Those who received at home a preacher could be accused and condemned by the court of the Inquisition. The Waldensians therefore to pray and praise God together with the Barba they trusted in hidden places: the tradition wants that the Gueiza d’La tana was one of these places.
In reality, it is not rare to find in the Alps cavity of the soil more less or deep caves as this, with all probability used by man as a refuge since when it came in the valley, and the popular imagination has always considered inhabited by mysterious figures: goblins, fairies, orcs. Those of the Angrogna valley instead are populated by men and women tied to what constitutes the deepest identity of the waldensian community: the history.
It is likely that the toponym has ancient origin, but the place takes on particular importance at the beginning of the nineteenth century when it becomes one of the stages required for the english traveller visiting the valleys. It is unlikely however that the Waldensians have chosen a place that could be dangerous for their meetings: The documents speak more secluded location, woods, clearings; in case of attack the cave in fact becomes a trap with no way of escape.