


Località: Via Julia De Jacopo, 33 - Acquapendente - Viterbo

Holy Tomb Cathedral

the Romanesque Holy Tomb Cathedral of Acquapendente goes back to the X century belongs historically to the Benedictine Order. It is dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre because there is stored a stone is stained with blood that according to tradition coming from the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

The cathedral of Acquapendente was built in the X century and is linked to a legend according to which Matilde of Westphalia, the Mother of the Emperor Otto I, traveling from Germany to Rome to build a church dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre, was forced to stop at Acquapendente because the mules that bare the gold necessary to the foundation no longer wanted to continue. The Empress had a dream in the explanation of what happened: for Divine Will was to Acquapendente that the Church was to be erected.

The church has three naves divided by pillars, with transept and apse raised below which extends the crypt in the Romanesque style of the XI century, articulated in thirty-four spans covered by cross vaults Set on twenty-four columns. In the crypt there is the small chapel containing the relic of the Holy Sepulchre, a structure that reproduces in miniature the church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. There are also two bas-reliefs credited to Agostino di Duccio: The Angel and the victory of San Michele on dragon and Tobias.

In the medieval period, the church was frequented by pilgrims and crusaders, being situated on the Via Francigena directed to Rome. He assumed the title of cathedral from 1649 and has been the subject in the course of centuries of numerous interventions of embellishment. The facade of the building is the result of restoration work promoted in 1746 by Pope Benedict XIV, works that affected also the interior.

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