


Località: Via al Castello, 18 - Acquapendente - Viterbo


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castle of Torre Alfina

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castle of Torre Alfina

At the borders with the Mount Rufeno Natural Reserve and with the monumental wood of the Sasseto, which is accessed by the public gardens of the village. Its history is identified with that of its castle, which should probably part of the name, built in the Middle Ages around a tower from which originates the noun Tower.

Alfina according to some would derive from the latin for fines, which would indicate its location on the borders (fines) of the plateau with respect to the municipal territory of Orvieto that dominated, while according to others the appellative Alfina would have been added to identify it with the geographical location on the eponymous plateau and to distinguish it from the nearby tower of San Severo.

The first historical notations regarding the existence of a tower of sighting the we in Comentarii Historici of Monaldo Monaldeschi della Cervara, which speaks of a fortified tower transformed into a castle during the Lombard kingdom of King Desiderio (VIII century). And it is precisely the family of the Monaldeschi first, and his branch of Cervara then, will be the lords of the castle and the owners of many of the lands around, from 1200 to 1700.

The castle passed, through inheritance, to the Marquises Bourbon del Monte in the marriage of Gia’ Mattia del Monte with Anna Maria Monaldeschi, in the second half of the Seventeenth Century. The village of Torre Alfina, meanwhile, around the middle of the fifteenth century had reached a certain administrative autonomy joining in rural municipality employee from Orvieto.

The French Revolution left the sign on the small town that, in 1809, with the territorial reorganization was assigned to the district of Todi and the canton of Acquapendente and shortly after, because of the demographic decline (counted only 300 inhabitants), was even deleted and its territory aggregate to the Municipality of Acquapendente. The administrative organization decided by the french is also confirmed by the new Kingdom of Italy, making Torre Alfina is a hamlet of the municipality of Acquapendente.

During the expedition Garibaldi in the agro romano, 1867, General John Acerbi chose as its headquarters, in virtue of its favorable geographic position, from where he proclaimed the prodittatura.

The castle and its tightness remained property of the Bourbon del Monte until around 1880 when they were purchased from a rich banker french, Edward Cahen d’Anvers, which already count (title inherited from his father Joseph Mayer, already nobled by Vittorio Emanuele II to thank him for being the only European banker to finance the Risorgimento), was named Marquis in 1885 by Umberto I and fregiò the title of Marquis of Torre Alfina, giving way to the renovation of the building as it appears today, according to the project entrusted to the Sienese architect Giuseppe Partini. Edoardo happened Theophilus Rodolfo Cahen, which continued the work of restructuring.

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