
Between the Valdichiana and the Val d’Orcia stands Montepulciano, a village of Etruscan origin, whose inhabited center, having medieval characteristics, is “S” shaped and is enclosed within three circles of walls, all built towards the 14th century. A unique village with elegant Renaissance buildings, ancient churches, splendid squares and small hidden corners.

Mecatini di Natale
gary yim/shutterstock
Kristi Blokhin/shutterstock
PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek/shutterstock
Montepulciano, Calici di Stelle
Toscana Promozione Turistica
Montepulciano, Piazza Grande
Montepulciano, Lago di Montepulciano
Montepulciano, Duomo di Montepulciano
Montepulciano, Tempio di San Biagio
Montepulciano, Palazzo Nobili-Tarugi
Piazza Grande

On horseback between the Val di Chiana and Val d'Orcia and ancient and long history, Montepulciano has origins from the Etruscan people from the IV century B.C. has fame also to the wealth of excellent vineyards, from which it derives the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG. The rural urbanization coexists with urban centers overflowing of historical memories and wonderful works of art, all nestled in an agricultural landscape, often highly specialized. In this area are amalgamated woods of pines, holm oaks and chestnut trees, with sandy plans-arenaceous cultivated, shale undulations, plains a swampy time. A heterogeneous territory, low population density, remained almost isolated from the influences of the surrounding areas. The inhabited center has the characteristics of a medieval village in the shape of an "S" and is enclosed within three circle of walls, built all toward the XIV century. Montepulciano is a compound of Monte and Policiano Polciano, or Pulciano, from the etruscan purth which means Master, General, condottiere, dictator, magistrate.

Of Etruscan origin and founded, according to legend by Porsenna, Lucumone di Chiusi; some documents and artifacts found in Fortress, ne trace the existence already at the IV-III century B.C. during the Roman era it was the seat of an army place in defense of the consular roads. It was evangelised by San Donato, Bishop of Arezzo in the IV century. In place of the present church of the Madonna di San Biagio, existed the Sancta Mater Ecclesia in Pulliciano Castle, so in a document of 715 at the time of the Lombards underwent its first development; indeed in some notarial deeds of the Archive of the Abbey of SS. The savior on Monte Amiata, you find documents among which one of the 806 and the witnesses, all of Montepulciano, were priests, clerics, a doctor and a goldsmith, sign of a high level of civil and cultural. At the beginning of the XIII century the vitality of the city, promoted by the intrapendenza the mercantile bourgeoisie, manufacturing and agricultural, taken to attract the sights of Florence and Siena. The fourteenth century was marked by strong strife for power between families more; a relative stability was under the family of sheep that, divided inside them in supporting Florence, Siena or Perugia, became the Lords of Valiano and tyrants of Montepulciano. In 1511, the Montepulciano, concluded the definitive peace with the Florentines, engraved on the door and on the architrave of the room of the Council the following inscription: Recuperatio Libertatis, A.D. 1511. Since 1559, with the submission of Siena to the Medici principality, Montepulciano lost part of strategic importance and past policy, but maintained the Prestige. Settled in Montepulciano historical families poliziane dei Nobili, Tarugi, Contucci, Bellarmine, Ricci, Cervini, Benci, Cini, Cocconi and numerous other, who gave great men of the Church, to letters, to the arts and weapons: a Supreme Pontiff, many cardinals, many dozens of bishops, the prelates distinguished in great number and a large amount of men who were excellent in many disciplines. In the eighteenth century flourished the Accademia degli thrilled with which, together with the literary activity, builded in 1793 a theater in stanzoni of the fifteenth-century Monte di Pietã , as he had previously done in Via Collazzi and Palazzo Comunale. The long season lorense marked for Montepulciano the beginning of a widespread economic and social recovery. The reclamation of the Valdichiana favored the recolonization of agricultural fertile valley bottom; the consequent reorganization of road system facilitated business contacts.

The Bravìo delle Botti (takes its origins in the 14th century) is the challenge that takes place every year in Montepulciano between the 8 districts of Montepulciano (Cagnano, Collazzi, Gracciano, Coasts, Poggiolo, San Donato, Talosa Voltaia,), the last Sunday of August in honor of the patron saint, San Giovanni Decollato. The Bruscello Poliziano repeats every year since 1939 in the month of August, the square in front of the Cathedral in Piazza Grande. The Bruscello, instead, is a form of popular theater and peasant, typically Tuscan, prayed and sang by actors not professionals and is a representation sometimes epic-dramatic, sometimes farsesca episodes from the life of all days, created by popular imagination or from facts really happened; history or literature. The theme that blends singing and recitation, varies from year to year, subject, texts and screenplay you must all the creative spontaneity of bruscellanti, a company that practice this kind for the sake of tradition and delight.

In the territory of Montepulciano, in the locality of Sant'Albino, rise the Terme di Montepulciano that use the curative properties of the waters and mud. The first direct testimony on the Terme di Montepulciano and the properties of its thermal waters date back to 1571, the year in which Andra Bacci publishes its treaty "de Thermis". Sulfurous mineral water used-salsobromoiodiche-bicarbonate particularly rich in carbon dioxide, are picked up to 132 meters of depth and conveyed to the departments of care without being exposed to the contact with the air. This method ensures the unchanged preservation of the natural therapeutic qualities of sulfur.

The viticulture in Montepulciano goes back to the Etruscan Age, but the first written document of 789. The production of excellent wines on Mons Politianus was constant in the Middle Ages was already in the middle of the fourteenth century the town issued rules to regulate trade and export. The Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG from 1980 is now protected by a consortium that brings together all the cellars. Can be produced only in the hilly areas within the municipal boundaries from grapes of Prugnolo gentile (70%) and other authorised vines to the cultivation in Tuscany (30%). Must have a minimum of 12.5º spirits and aged 24 months in the cellar of which at least 1 in oak wood (13° alcohol, 36 months in the cellar of which at least 1 in oak and 6 in bottle, can be called "Reserve"). The Rosso di Montepulciano has the same grapes of Vino Nobile. The Vin Santo di Montepulciano, excellent dessert wine and it is produced with Malvasia Bianca, Puncinculo and Trebbiano Toscano. The grapes are selected with care, made wither in suitable premises and crushed between 1 December and 15 January: the 17º alcohol and 3 years of aging as a minimum the lend an intense bouquet with hints of dried fruit (The Reserve ages 5 years). With Prugnolo gentile and other vines is obtained the prestigious varieties eye of partridge, amber color or topaz that reaches the 18º.

Village of Montepulciano
The Municipality of Montepulciano
Province of Siena
Tuscany Region

Inhabitants: 13.673 monpulcianesi
altitude center: 605 m a.s.l.

The Municipality is part of:
Città del bio
Città del vino
Città della chianina
Città dell'olio
Terre di Toscana
Unione Valdichiana Senese

Orange Flag - Italian Touring Club

Protected Natural Areas:
Lake of Montepulciano Natural Reserve

Piazza Grande 1 - Tel. +39 0578-7121

Camper parking area
City of wine
Oil city
Orange Flag Countries
Thermal village
Village with towers
Piazza Grande - Montepulciano - Siena
Via dei Canneti, 34 - Montepulciano - Siena
Piazza Grande, 4 - Montepulciano - Siena


  • From the North: Take the A1 highway, exit at Valdichiana - Bettolle, cross the town of Bettolle and follow the signs for Torrita di Siena, upon reaching Torrita, at the traffic lights turn left towards Montepulciano.
  • From the south: Take the A1 highway, exit at Chiusi - Chianciano Terme, follow the signs for Chianciano Terme, cross the town of Chianciano and continue towards Montepulciano.


  • Chiusi - Chianciano Terme railway station


  • Florence airport
  • Pisa airport
  • Rome Fiumicino Airport
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