Castelnuovo Berardenga, located just outside Siena, nestled between the fertile Chianti hills and the incredible landscape of the Crete Senesi, rises on the hills that separate the first stretch of the Ombrone valley from that of its tributary Arbia.
Under the name of the territory or district of the Berardenga is sottintendeva even in times of the Sienese Republic the portion of that state between the sources of the torrent Bozzone and those of Amber, between the Chianti high and the river Biena up to Taverne d'Arbia. The name derives from the County of Berardenghi that took its name from one of the sons of Wuinigi Count (Guinigi) of Ranieri. He was called Berardo and this name, constantly repeated by the descendants, gave then the name also to the territory. The jamb, donde took the name the county Berardenga, part without doubt from that Castelnuovo, founded by the Republic of Siena, as point of surveillance of the border toward Florence and Arezzo, after a resolution dated 26 July 1366. In this era the top of the hill was surrounded by walls by entrusting the direction a Mino dei of Siena (1373-1374). The castle is today retains a tower and a little more. The ancient parish church of San Giusto, situated not far from Castelnuovo is reminded of a long time before it was built the castle, between the branches of the nearby ancient parish church of Pacina, note for the first strife between Siena and Arezzo on diocesan boundaries dating back to the VII century One of the facts that the most striking, of its medieval history, is the very high number of castles. Among the many, deserves mention that of Montalto, possessed by Berardenghi since the ixth century. The testimonies of settlement of the middle ages are not limited only to the churches, monasteries and castles but next to these constructions of guerresco plant or religious, sprang up fortified villas and houses that precludevano to the incipient renaissance.