The Chianti Sculptures Park of Pievasciata has been realized by Piero and Rosalba Giadrossi, already from years fans of contemporary art and the owners of a gallery. Have dedicated to the park 13 hectares of a pristine forest of oaks and holm oaks, fenced as hosted the first a herd of wild boars.
During the five years of work was traced a trail and were invited international artists to study the nature and then create their own works by integrating them into the surrounding environment. Since its inauguration in May 2004 The Park is open to the public and is managed by the cultural association non profit association “Friends of the Park”.
The visitor finds today 26 installations and sculptures along a circuit of about 1 km that puts it in contact with different cultures and different styles as there are artists from more than 20 countries on five continents. The materials used are the most varied, ranging from bronze to iron, by granite marble, from glass to neon etc. nature, the light, the seasons always give new aspects to the sculptures as is typical for environmental art. Thus the Chianti Sculpture Park has become a good example of the diversity and vitality of contemporary art in the world.