
Located in one of the most interesting cultural and naturalistic areas of all Sicily, in the surrounding area are the important Sicilian-Greek-Hellenistic site of Morgantina, the Norman-era Pietratagliata Castle, and, a few kilometers away, the Roman Villa of Piazza Armerina, Unesco site.

Aidone e l'Etna
Erminio Gattuso
Aidone, Museo Archeologico
Fine Art Produzioni
Roman Babakin/shutterstock
Aidone, borgata San Giacomo
Aidone, Chiesa di San Leone
Aidone, Castello di Pietratagliata

The village of Aidone (Aidungh Dadungh or in the dialect gallo-local italico; Aiduni Aidò or in the Sicilian) is located in Sicily, in one of the districts of cultural and naturalistic most interesting of the entire region. In its territory there are the important site-siculo greek-Hellenistic of Morgantina, the Castle of Pietratagliata Norman, and, a few kilometers, the Roman Villa of Piazza Armerina, Unesco site. The territory is rich in natural woods and artificial occupying the north west, and significant sites of naturalistic importance: with Piazza Armerina and Enna shares the Park of the chase and the border with the province of Catania is the lake of Ogliastro, a wetland of naturalistic interest.

In antiquity its etymology was traced immaginativamente Aidoneus to an epithet of God Ade-Plutone, that, after kidnapped Persephone at Lake Pergusa, would have been landed on the hill of Aidone. The legend gave origin to the wide diffusion of the cult of Demeter and Persephone throughout central Sicily. Other significant hypothesis is the origin of the term Arabic Ayn dun, in the meaning of "Higher Source", etymology that would be justified by the considerable presence of sources of water throughout the territory.

To Aidone, as in Piazza Armerina, Nicosia, San Fratello, Sperlinga, you speak a dialect that has always played a stranger to the ear of the Sicilians: a peculiar spoken of Lombard origin, which has its roots in the Norman conquest of Sicily. Over time these dialects were defined lombardo-Sicilians, gallo-novels, gallo-Sicilians and finally Gallo-italic of Sicily to distinguish them from the northern Gallo-Italic. In Aidone, in a particular way, already at the beginning of the last century the galloitalico was seen as an element of inferiority because in fact made it difficult relations with neighboring countries; since then the vernacular lived with a form sicilianizzata, that slowly has overwhelmed the ancient form; the aidonesi were bilingual for need and then trilingual with the affirmation of Italian. Today remained very few speakers and was born of the need to know it.

The village is full of significant points of interest such as the Castellaccio, which remained only ruins but from which it still has a beautiful panorama; the tower Adelasia and the Church of Santa Maria La Cava; the mother Church of San Lorenzo and the Archaeological Museum. The latter houses the archaeological finds in the nearby and very important Morgantina, ancient Greek city, one of the most interesting archaeological sites of the sicilian hinterland.

Village of Aidone
Municipality of Aidone

Province of Enna
Sicily Region

Population: 4.852
Altitude centre: 800 m s.l.m.

Protected Natural areas:
Parco Minerario Floristella Grottacalda
Riserva naturale Rossomanno Grottascura Bellia

Piazza Umberto I - Tel. +39 0935 600511

Village in the mountain
Village on a lake
Village with castle
Village with park
Corso Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 2 - Aidone - Enna
Via Roma, 223 - Aidone - Enna
Via Roma, 109 - Aidone - Enna
Piazza Sant'Anna, 16-18 - Aidone - Enna
Basilica di San Leone
Piazza Umberto I, 19 - Aidone - Enna
Strada Statale 288 - Aidone - Enna
Strada Provinciale 67 - Aidone - Enna
Via Roma - Aidone - Enna
Largo Truppia, 31 - Aidone - Enna


  • Along the highway the closest exits to the center of Aidone are:
    - Exit Agira (A19 Palermo-Catania)
    - Reel exit (A19 Palermo-Catania)


  • Caltanissetta station
  • Catania station


  • Catania airport
  • Carnival - the rich tradition of carnival of Aidone remain only the festini, dance parties private that strangers, not invited, are allowed for the more clothes in the mask. Entered the cry Gghj' n-is f'stingh? (There is a feast?), are entitled to two dances of their choice. Typically you choose to dance one scotz, a typical dance aidonese danceable in pairs or groups. The typical mask of Carnival aidonese is ù c'ddazz, uccellaccio, whose unique feature is the be unrecognizable both in the aspect that heading. The tradition dates back to the festini to 1300, when the farmers to be able to enter homes of "masters", had the unique opportunity to create a situation of laughter transfiguring its image and thus gaining a little wine. The customary foresees that the "head mask" ask the "master" two dances, and then peel off the mask to be recognized and have awarded a glass of wine.

  • Settimana Santa e Giunta d'Pasqua. Palm Sunday - The Holy Week in Aidone opens with the Festa delle Palme. The Procession of the confraternities, that winds in the morning for the streets of the country, is characterized by the presence of the Santoni, the simulacrums of the twelve Apostles, with large heads of papier, that reach almost 3 meters of height. The "cages", into which are introduced the bearers (santar'), are coated with tunics vivid colors; each Holy is identified by one or more objects symbol; the Apostles are depicted on the model of the statues which crown the facade of the Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican. The procession passes through all the main roads of the country and concludes in front of the closed door of the Mother Church of San Lorenzo, where we celebrate a rite very ancient and suggestive. The precept - In the first part of the week the country is crossed by the confraternities that go in procession to reach the church where will the solemnity of Easter, and accompany with the musical band but also with the characteristics lamentations. Holy Wednesday. U signur' to mucciun - Wednesday evening took place one of the rites the most controversial and loved by aidonesi: The Lord hidden or stolen. The confreres removed from the church of the Annunziata the statue of Christ that wrapped in a shroud and on a wooden staircase, was carried in procession to the Church Mother; here during the late evening affluiva the entire population to pay Him homage... The ambiguity of the adoration of Christ dead apparently has decreed by a few years the suspension of the procession. Holy Thursday. The Sepulcr - In the evening of Holy Thursday and on the morning of Friday the components of the various confraternities visit various churches where was prepared the sepulchre, the altar of the Deposition or better of the Sacrament, adorned with sprouted wheat in the dark, plants and breads. The processions are accompanied by the music band, in the evening the confreres bring torches, but what most characterizes the processions in the course of the week is the execution of laments, it is the song of the Forty Hours of prayer, Lamentations for the death of Jesus, of medieval origin, in which every "now" is marked by a main item that starts the song in an ascending scale and is accompanied the second entries in scale. Holy Friday. Scisa to Cruci - After the sunset in the Mother Church takes place a rite very suggestive: scisa to Cruci (the deposition from the Cross). After a long preparation made of readings and prayers before Christ nailed to the cross, reach the members of the confraternity of the Blessed Maria Annunziata, hooded and dressed in white, that carry a coffin of crystal adorned with flowers. With the priest celebrant schiodano from the Cross the statue of the Crucifix and the lay in the urn, which is carried in a procession for a good part of the night. The procession were added, in time, girls who carry the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows and others representing the pious women. The silent procession winds through the streets of Aidone, even the most inaccessible, accompanied from the laments of the confreres who recite the forty hours of prayer alternating with the funeral music music band. Giunta d'Pasqua - On Easter's Day, in piazza Cordova has place the junta, the meeting. Takes place in piazza Cordova with the participation of all the Santoni and a large number of confreres belonging to all the confraternities. San Pietro is brought around the streets of the town in search of Jesus while others santoni, divided into two groups, commute running and jumping between the statue of the Madonna with the black veil, located near the church of Santa Maria, and the statue of the Risen Christ, hidden from view in a secondary road: Show the incredible news of the disappearance of Jesus from the tomb of the apparition to women and finally of the Resurrection. At midday the two groups, achieved by San Pietro, accompany the two statues toward the center of the square where the encounter between the Mother, which is torn off the black veil and her Risen Son. Bells in the festival and the Santoni are facts bounce by carriers in sign of joy, all then, accompanied by the band that now sounds singing joyful, join in the procession and accompany their churches the simulacra.

  • Reenactment of the beating (U Battment) - Every ten years, in the days immediately before the feast of San Lorenzo (8 and 9 August) was held the historical commemoration of an episode dating back to the period of the Norman conquest. The tradition dates back to the XVII century and if he testimony until 1890. The tournament in costume rievocava a battle between Christian knights and Saracens, to which they would have participated two quotas Lombardi of the army of Ruggero d'Altavilla. The battle would be at the so-called "step of the Jews" (the current contrada Ciappino), on the road that leads to Piazza Armerina. In tournament history in costume, called the beat, a squad of Christian knights, started from the city and a squad of knights saracens coming from the opposite part, clashed in two separate assaults. After the first assault, the outcome uncertain, the Christian knights you they were withdrawing in tends to pray and fast, while the Saracens gozzovigliavano; in the second assault the Saracens were clearly defeated and taken prisoners. Everything ended with a general pacification for which Christians and Saracens ended with the hug each other and moved together in a single procession at a time of Aidone, where they would be following the procession of the Madonna delle Grazie. From some year in August is resumed this tradition which is enriching increasingly appearing and meanings; with a medieval feast in which there is present the countess Adelasia,nephew of GranConte Ruggero, with her husband Rinaldo d'Avenel and the historical procession of knights,squires,Fanti, jugglers,storyteller,damsels and handmaids. Recently it has been inserted the Historia dei Normanni is by Goffredo Malaterra and by Fra' Simone da Lentini which is recited by a storyteller and a young aidonese choice between 20 candidate (5 for each historic district) plays the part of countess Adelasia, the magnificent benefactress that did make several mills on the river Gornalunga (Albos) and made build the Church of S.Maria The plano in 1134 A.D. sometimes on the occasion of the feast of the Madonna delle Grazie (2 July), it also carries a historical procession that evokes the arrival of Adelasia al Castello, accompanied by gonfalons of four historic districts (San Leone II Pope, San Giacomo, San Giovanni (current Sant'Anna) and Santa Maria Lo Plano.
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