


Località: Via Vittorio Emanuele, Cascina Mirani - Zavattarello - Pavia
Phone number: 0383 589183

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Memories’ Warehouse

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Memories’ Warehouse

Through a path of daily life the Bruni Virgilio Memories’ Warehouse enables viewers watching over a century of traditions, a cultural heritage that has its roots in the mists of time and is testimony to the long, rich, painful story of work and in the toil of’man. Entering in the Museum, if the curiosityà and the surprise prevail among young people and older people are not infrequent dives to the heart and flashes of nostalgia: environments emblematic of dwellings which the kitchen of the farmer, La stanza del Sarto, the barber shop, school; artisan laboratories of the past, shoemakers, blacksmiths, farrier and many others a world not to forget and to keep with the collaboration of all, a past that enriches our present and our future. The Museum has an important role in the territory and the activitiesà organized by’Cultural Association that manages it awaken the imagination and l’love for life are a response to the needs of children in search of true experiences, natural and healthy. L’Cultural Association that manages the Museum è sort in 2004, è entered in the Register Provincial of Ass, non-profit. L’fundamental objective of’Ass. Cult. &Ldquo;Warehouse of Memories” è the study and the safeguarding of peasant culture and crafts of’Oltrepo centuries nineteenth and twentieth to a training civil and social development of young people.

Opening hours
summer months: Saturday and Sunday from 16.30 to 19. All year round on reservation.

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