


Località: Via di Anchiano, località  Anchiano - Vinci - Firenze
Phone number: 0571 933285

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Birthplace of Leonardo Da Vinci

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Birthplace of Leonardo Da Vinci

The birthplace of Leonardo is a building situated in the locality of Anchiano, at 3 km from Vinci, within a hilly landscape remained similar to that Leonardo da Vinci has contemplated from childhood; is connected to the town by the Green Road, ancient trail that Da Vinci develops between the hills and olive groves of Montalbano. The birth of Leonardo da Vinci, 15 April 1452, in this farmhouse is attested by an ancient tradition, accepted by the historian Emanuele Repetti. The house was part of the buildings of the relevance of the Villa of Ferrale, dei signori Masetti. The museum, divided between the native house real, articulated in three different environments, and the adjacent farmhouse in turn divided into two rooms and invites you to discover the places and scenarios that inspired his work. In the birthplace, the narration audio-visual Leonardo in Vinci: a Genius tells uses of modern technology 3 Dimensional to revive Leonardo and his universe more intimate and personal, until now remained in the shadows. Relives especially the relationship between Leonardo and the territory vinciano and Montalbano through numerous drawings that testify unequivocally his assiduous frequenting those places. A hologram to natural greatness, interlacing video, theater and documentary, gives a voice to a Leonardo old and tired from his last residence of Amboise turns his gaze to the past to narrate the attendances, studies, the vicissitudes that bound him to these lands. The application multimedia interactive Leonardo Touch has the paintings and graphic works of Vinciano, according to various thematic paths of research and allows you to interact with the drawings and paintings to discover every detail. In the farmhouse adjacent to the dwelling Christmas, the section dedicated to the Last Supper, which only mural painting Leonardo to visible today, exposes the playback digital high-definition of the Last Supper, projected on the wall in scale 1:2. The technology used allows to explore the painting through two search mode, a gestural and a touchscreen. It is thus possible to activate various thematic routes such as for example the iconographic historical, artistic, and one dedicated to the restoration. Opening times.

Opening times:
From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday
10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday

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