


Località: Via Duomo, 18 - Venafro - Isernia

Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta at Venafro

it represents the maximum temple in the city and is also one of the largest churches in the region and is situated at the foot of the Oraziano Park. Dating back to the end of the V century, the church was built under the Bishop Costantino on the site of a former pagan temple and using materials taken from other monuments of previous epochs (roman elements and Christian decorations, as the bas-relief of the Bishop Pietro di Ravenna: a relief that, for its unusual aspect, is called by the inhabitants “March Settecappotti”). The ancient building underwent spoliation and ruins and totally fell into ruin.

It was rebuilt in the second half of the XI century by Bishop Peter of Ravenna. This building had a tumultuous life: he was stripped of all good by the troops of Frederick II, was damaged earthquakes in 1349 and in 1456, was burned by order of the Emperor Ludovico and had to give hospitality to the troops of Charles VIII in 1495. This was obliged to continuous modifications, adjustments and reconstructions. At the end of 1600 was built the so-called Cappellone, a Chapel devoted to the administration of the Sacraments, then remodeled in the course of the Nineteenth Century.

Between the end of the Seventeenth century and throughout the eighteenth century the church was embellished in baroque style: as a result of these substantial additions, the church was consecrated on 21 October 1764 by Bishop Francis Xavier stable. In February 1935 the canon Don Nicolino Passarelli, after you remove a confessional because it was restored, discovered traces of color under the thick layer of white stucco in the left nave of the cathedral. In the following a more detailed analysis, discovered three frescoes decorating the respective cap.

The present aspect is instead due to restoration works dating back to the years ’60-’70 of the last century that have deprived the Concathedral of ancient baroque forms, returning the sacred place to the gothic appearance-previous medieval.

The interior has three naves decorated with paintings of the XIV century. The Church is equipped with 5 portals, the portal to the right of the main one is the holy door at least since 1508. In the right nave it is possible to access the 4 lateral chapels; in the left nave it is possible to access a chapel which is commonly termed “Cappellone”, due to the large dimensions, in which are preserved the Sacraments.

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