The church of Santa Maria Annunciata rises in the center of the village of Bienno, in the locality of that in the Middle Ages was said “in Ortis”. The facade facing north-east presents an oculus in red sandstone, while the two-colours gothic portal. The south east side is covered by the fresco of many saints, among which a huge San Cristoforo, and characterized by a trilobate portal goticheggiante which was closed and ruined by the opening of a new entrance to its right. With a single nave, it contains frescoes of great value products in the course of the XVI century by various artists, including Giovanni Pietro da Cemmo and, especially, Girolamo di Romano, said the Romanino . Stand out, among others, a macabre dance to the right of the altar and many ex-votos. Interesting as a testimony of faith traditions of the Valcamonica are the images of Saints frescoed along the walls of the nave: between them well three are dedicated to Simonino of Trento.