


Località: Via Flacca, km 1161 - Sperlonga - Latina
Phone number: 0771 548028

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Sperlonga Archaelogical Museum

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Sperlonga Archaelogical Museum

The Sperlonga Archaelogical Museum collects the famous marble groups in which have so far been identified four episodes of the Homeric epos: the assault of Scilla the ship to Ulysses, the blinding of the Cyclops Polyphemus, the rat of palladium and Ulysses that raises the corpse of Achilles. Therefore, a true Odyssey of marble cho constitutes one of the testimonies most fascinating for the knowledge of the myth of Ulysses in ancient art. The sculptures found in the thousands of fragments, are the fruit of a long restoration work is still in progress. It is likely that all the groups are the work of three famous sculptors rodii, Atenodoro, Agesandro, and Polidero, authors even the famous Laooconte today in the Vatican, which Tiberio commissioned the decoration of the cavern.

In the museum are exposed other valuable artifacts, largely sculpture, referable to the decorative apparatus of the villa (images of divinities, portraits, mythological subjects) as well as furnishings and artifacts that document the uninterrupted continuity of life of the complex until the age of late antiquity.

Visiting hours: 8.30-19.30.
Opening free on the first sunday of the month.

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