It takes its name from the hill on which it was built by the ancient Tuscan family of Malaspina in XIII century. It is located on the top of the hill of Serravalle, and is accessible via a staircase long and steep. In the vast piazza d’Armi is the small church of Our Lady sos Regnos Altos, Palatine chapel of the castle. The small temple, comprised within the walls of the castle of Serravalle, has inside it an interesting cycle of frescoes of the spanish school, realized between the XIV and XV century. The frescoes are located on the three original walls of the Church, which was subsequently enlarged with the addition of the presbytery and the apse. The work of an unknown author from the spanish school, the series of frescoes could be dated in the period prior to 1370. Along the left wall, proceeding from the apse toward the entrance door, we can observe in the upper part, the representations of the Adoration of the magi and the Last Supper. Follow the representations of doctors of the Church and of the evangelists. In the lower part are represented Santa Lucia and Mary Magdalene, to which are added a series of saints. In the high part of the counter-facade are represented San Martino and the poor and Saint George killing the dragon. In the lower part are visible Santa Scolastica, San Costantino Emperor, Sant’Elena, the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin of the Annunciation. Next to the entrance door is represented San Cristoforo. In the high part of the wall on the right are shown a series of saints, while in the low part is represented the meeting of three dead and three live and the martyr of San Lorenzo.