


Località: Località  Cammoro - Sellano - Perigia

Hanging Church of Santa Maria Novella

is a case not frequent of hanging church that overlaps with an ancient street covered which are still visible the two lit: the first, under the current facade of and partly obstructed by modern entrance staircase; the second, on the opposite side, and at a lower level, was the access of the castle from the village, today no longer practicable.

The access to the Castle of Cammoro is highlighted by a stone portal of the fourteenth-century character with a coat of arms on the wedge of key depicting a lily. The bell tower is a reconstruction of the 1612-13, probably realized with the reuse of demolition materials of a previous tower. The facade has undergone in time numerous interventions that have altered the original fourteenth century aspect.

Interior with a single nave, it preserves only two of the four altars in carved wood, gilt and polychromatic that were there to about half a century ago when it was demolished the old high altar. In the base of the campanile is present a baptistery in stone tempietto hexagon of the XVI century ( century in which the Church became the parish ). It also preserves a wooden tabernacle parallelepipedal with angular columns caelate with three doors painted (piety and Two Angels), likely operates as many other of Camillo Angelucci from Mevale (ca. 1570). In the upper compartment are still preserved the gears of the clock to weights.

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