


Località: Via Degli Archi - Santo Stefano di Sessanio - L'Aquila

The ‘Buscella’

One of the most significant places in the village is the bottleneck located in the Judea area: the “Buccella,” a dialect term derived from the word buscio, hole. The passageway results from the adjacency of two housing structures and a number of rumors are linked to it that it was the place where sheep were counted one at a time or that it was the Vico degli innamorati (Lovers’ Lane) where, as the local elders recount, “we used to rendezvous with the other young men to wait for the maidens who, on their way home from mass, could not escape this sort of loving ambush.”
Proceeding inland, we can see the northern entrance to the village also known as “Porta Lorda,” which introduces us to Via della Torre.

Santo Stefano di Sessanio
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